ACE Aikido Ranking Requirements
5th Kyu - Blue Belt
Basic exercises |
Basic Rolling |
Wrist Grab Releases |
Basic Responses (Various Tenkan, Ryokatatori - 45 degree pivot, 45 degree entry and through, Parry past, Scizzor, Rear wrist grab blend) |
Ryokatatori Ikkyo w/pivot |
Ryokatatori Kotegaeshi tenkan |
Basic test for Ki/ACE |
4th Kyu - Purple Belt
Performance of kata movements 1 through 6 |
Performance of the techniques of the kata 1 through 6 with a partner |
Kokyu dosa exercise |
Test for Ki/ACE |
3rd Kyu - higher level Purple Belt
Performance of kata movements 7 through 12 |
Performance of the techniques of the kata 7 through 12 with a partner |
Kokyu dosa exercise |
Test for Ki/ACE |
2nd Kyu - Brown Belt
Performance of the kata |
Performance of all techniques of the kata from a single attack |
Women's Self-Defense Technique Series |
Kokyu dosa exercise |
Test for Ki/ACE |
Randori - 2 attackers |
1st Kyu - higher level Brown Belt
Performance of the kata |
Performance of all techniques of the kata from a single attack |
Men's Self-Defense Technique Series |
Performance of the Bo kata |
Kokyu dosa exercise |
Test for Ki/ACE |
Randori - 3 attackers |
Shodan - 1st degree Black Belt
Performance of all techniques of the kata from a single attack |
Forward Throw Series |
Performance of flowing freestyle technique from one attack |
Performance of the Bo kata |
Performance of basic knife disarm techniques |
Impromtu techniques and questions |
Kokyu dosa exercise |
Test for Ki/ACE |
Randori - 4 attackers |
Nidan - 2nd degree Black Belt
Grab and Strike Attack Technique Series |
Standard Two-Man Techniques |
Performance of flowing freestyle technique from one attack |
Performance of the Bo kata |
Performance of basic Bo techniques |
Performance of Bokken kata |
Performance of Bokken techniques |
Test for Ki/ACE |
Randori - 5 attackers |